Matthew 6:27 (KJV)
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
Matthew 6:27 (NIV)
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
I awoke this morning to multiple emails referencing numerous obligations, approaching deadlines, and proposed collaborative meetings signed with the John Hancocks of overwrought colleagues and accompanying burdened adieus. Basically, folks are stressed out. Being a part of a few high-stakes communities, this is not uncommon. I was nearly unfazed by a colleague's email closing admitting to being stressed out followed by a personal pep-talk to the entire team. I shrugged it off.
In prayer, this scripture clearly emerged, Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?. Truth. Insensitively, I shrugged off the worry of a colleague because such is so familiar. Shame on me. This is a real struggle for people and as a believer and doer of the Word, I should be more immediate in intercessory prayer.
Sometimes we have to update people on what's up with us and sometimes having this rare audience tempts us to unload everything that ever happened, will happen, every issue that we are currently mulling over, etc. The other common response is to retort that God is good followed by a worry-laced exhale. Is there a right way to respond? What does one do when all is not well, and people inquire about how things are?
Perhaps the truth about worry can help us achieve some solace...
A "root-cause-analysis" is a problem solving method where you present a quandary and ask "why" five or more times until you get to the root of the issue. If we examine worry in this manner, we may be shocked at what we find, and relieved by how the Word of God remedies all that ails.
Issue: I'm worried about ________.
Why: Because ________________.
Why: Because ________________.
Why: Because ________________.
Why: Because ________________.
Why: Because_________________.
Here are some questions to help examine your above responses as objectively as possible:
- Is anything from the above list out of your control? If so, cross it off the list.
- Do any items on the list have to do with money?
- If any items are about money, to what ends?
- What's your end game?
- What is the root /history of even this desire?
- How faithful are you in tithing?
- How many of the items on the above list are necessities and how many are desires?
- Are the desire yours?
- Are the desires in the Word and will of God?
- Do you value being in the will of God?
- Do any of the above items have to do with validating your self-worth? Why?
- What does the Word of God say about this?
- Do any of the above items have to do with time, quantity or volume?
- Are you a good steward of time?
- Are any of the above items problems or simply tasks that need to be accomplished?
- Are there actions that you can take but have not taken to address any of the issues?
Read Matthew chapter 6. Lay down the burdens of troubles and stress and stop glorifying the devil by glorifying worries. Trust God. If you do the parts that you can do, He will do the parts that you cannot do. God won't do what He has given you the ability to do. Make a list and do the parts that you can do. Pray over the parts that require a move of God.
(Consider: Not applying to that reach job dramatically decreases your chances of being hired)
#T.O.D. for God
I was introduced to this song as an undergraduate student and although I was not a follower of Christ, I was tremendously blessed by this song.
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