And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
Luke 6:31 NIV
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Caught up in my own stuff, I almost didn't post today. In the middle of scooping myself some ice-cream, giddy with anticipation, the LORD spoke to my heart, "Didn't I tell you to do something?"
Dag. My bad, LORD. I'mma do it!
Today's T.O.D. is an imperative word from God and also fitting considering our commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..

I was won to God by a former colleague, +J Curtis , who was unrelenting in his Christ-like love towards me, despite the fact that I treated him as an enemy. I was cold, rude, and condescending. I murdered him behind his back, yet I was deceitfully charming if such was conducive to personal benefit or gain. For two years straight, in the midst of my onslaught, he remained steadfast in his love. He continued opening doors for me, greeting me with a genuine salutation of peace, and continued to converse with me as though the LORD Himself had both tamed his tongue, and transformed his heart.
Although I did not immediately recognize or acknowledge his Christ-like actions and love in the moment, when I was in the spiritual space to learn more about God, this colleague had developed a reputation of having integrity and showing love (which confused me at the time), and this piqued my curiosity. How can one man withstand so many darts of wickedness? How can one person show love to someone who has just spat in his face?!
This love shown towards me was as a mirror, allowing me to see myself. This love not based in conditions was something unlike anything I had ever seen. I came from a school of what goes around comes around, I'm gonna treat you how you treat me, and most popularly, let me treat you like crap so that I don't have any problems out of you later!
Such a toxic perspective promotes negativity. A simple "hello" can be misconstrued, taken out of context, and lead to offense when we operate in a "Well, you did it to me first/I did X because you did Y" type of mentality. Such conditionality is a gateway to an unlove that reverberates throughout time and space. How can I love you, if I don't know how? What does it look?
How much more powerful would it be to love the unlovable? How much more power is there in blessing those that curse you and pouring love into those that desperately use you? What if, in the midst of pain caused by another, we extend a hand, understanding the high probability for rejection, yet walking and being led by the love of Christ.
You hurt me, you stepped on me, you gossiped about me, you cursed me, you ignored me, you abused me, you lied to me, you betrayed me, you sold me out for 30 pieces of silver, you laughed at me, you scoffed at me, you hurt my feelings, you lead me on, you let me down, you discouraged me, you cheated me, you murdered me...
And yet...
I love you.
You were convicted guilty of committing a crime in which the punishment was death. And yet, I love you enough to die in your place. I love you so much that I will die/died so that you may live.
I love you back to life.
According to the WORD of God, we have been instructed to: LOVE LIKE THIS and LIKE THIS.
TASK OF THE DAY: Think of someone in your life that treats you or someone else unfavorably. Think of someone that you may interpret as short tempered, disgruntled, angry, or bitter. Recognize (but don't necessarily articulate) these as symptoms of a deeper pain. This may be a close associate, a friend, or maybe even a relative. Think of someone that at one time or another, treated you as though you were an enemy. This person should have done XYZ better, but he/she didn't. Love anyhow.
Your task for today, and everyday afterwards is to LOVE IN THE MIDST OF.... Love this person in word, thought, and action, in the midst of their drama. Don't go all Dr. Phil on them, attempting to assess the source of their unlove. Simply love and don't grow weary of loving.
There is transformative power in and through the love of Christ Jesus.
#T.O.D.forGod #BetterLover
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