Greetings beautiful people!
*** Apologizing for a hiatus is a bit cliché in the world of blogging so I will skip the pleasantries, thank God for the mind to click "publish" today and pray that someone gets blessed. ***
I have been mulling over a nagging concept and I believe that writing today's T.O.D. post will help me (and you) to move beyond inaction towards a kind of reconciliation of purpose and calling...
I have been mulling over a nagging concept and I believe that writing today's T.O.D. post will help me (and you) to move beyond inaction towards a kind of reconciliation of purpose and calling...
How can you "BE" something that you do not "DO"? Can you truly claim to BE anything if you never PRACTICE or APPLY the essence of that title to your daily life?
I consider myself to BE a writer (among many things)... yet, an entire season has passed since I've written from that special place. Sure, I've written obligatory research papers and essays for my recently completed coursework. I have even written dozens of cover letters to accompany my slightly tweaked resumes as I embark on the job search. However, I have not written from a place of passion in too long. I have not written from my heart nor have I written from the most important part of myself, my spirit, in what feels like forever. Truth be told, I am happiest when I am being what I know that I am (what God blessed me to be) and doing what I love (using the gifts and talents that God tailored specifically for me).
A sonnet written in true Shakespearean fashion and a poem written for a dear friend's wedding were nice "fixes" but such infrequency caused me to question my, "I'm a writer" proclamation.
I consider myself to BE a writer (among many things)... yet, an entire season has passed since I've written from that special place. Sure, I've written obligatory research papers and essays for my recently completed coursework. I have even written dozens of cover letters to accompany my slightly tweaked resumes as I embark on the job search. However, I have not written from a place of passion in too long. I have not written from my heart nor have I written from the most important part of myself, my spirit, in what feels like forever. Truth be told, I am happiest when I am being what I know that I am (what God blessed me to be) and doing what I love (using the gifts and talents that God tailored specifically for me).
A sonnet written in true Shakespearean fashion and a poem written for a dear friend's wedding were nice "fixes" but such infrequency caused me to question my, "I'm a writer" proclamation.
Not only are we called to be DOERS, but we are also called to bring glory to God in our DOING. How can your title/role/actions bring others closer to Jesus Christ today?
DO what you ARE today. If you are a LOVER, then LOVE today. If you are a DOCTOR, then HEAL today. If you are a PARENT, then PARENT today. If you are BLESSED, then BLESS someone today. Whatever it is that you claim to be... whatever title you love/value/cherish most about yourself... then DO it today in order to truly BE it and LIVE it. If you are a CHRISTIAN, then ......

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